Rigid Pvc Sheets In Construction Industry .
PVC is a versatile material and PVC sheets can be produced to meet special application needs. Rigid PVC sheets can, for example, be used as wall cladding, roofing, skylights and partitions in the building construction industry. One major advantage is that producers can incorporate special properties tailored to meet customized needs through processing the PVC sheets by adding other materials or otherwise. For example, they can be made resistant to chemical corrosion, or translucent to let in natural daylight while at the same preventing harmful UV light. We look at a few typical construction industry applications of PVC sheets in the sections below. Wall Cladding Applications Plastic wall cladding can provide beautiful interiors in colors and patterns suited to selected themes. In places where food is made, stored or served, PVC sheets are ideal in that they do not permit ingrained accumulation of dirt (as timber does), are impermeable to water and dampness and can be cleaned and dried...